Korea Scholarship Essay

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A big dream of a little girl who has ambition wanted to go to study aboard a time of LIFE. It has many countries that come across and attract me, however in my mind just have one country that is Korea. I begin to learn about Korea again and I was known that Korea has a good scholarship, Korea government scholarship program, which this scholarship is a great and important opportunity for me. Currently, everybody always knows about a lot of places, Korea music industries, food, and Korea series. Nevertheless, to me, my first impression about Korea is Korea alphabet. It is so interesting and it is a motivation brings me start to learn the Korea language. When we learn a language, one thing that comes together is the culture which makes me know more about Korea. After that I was a K-pop fan, I have many friends in social no matter Thai and foreigners and it is important that I knew Korea government scholarship program, which is a great scholarship that has many opportunities for everyone. My…show more content…
There is not much prosperity I have happiest with my family and my neighbors. ‘Every bird thinks its own nest beautiful’ my parents said. They always tell me you have to do better work than theirs. Even if my parents are rubber planters but I don’t mind this job. I am proud of them that because of this job, they can support me to this day. I believe a little girl can do a big thing. It is my impulsion to study and learn about new things, find my talent and create my desire which makes me good grades. From kindergarten to secondary, I was confident that I can’t stop to curious and learn. In my free time, I always help my parent everything that I can do it. Furthermore, in my free time, I spend time with myself, do my favorite, and learn the languages. I relax by reading a book, listening to music, writing fiction, drawing and surfing the internet. This activity makes me know a new world, make a new friendship and new

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