Knowledge Sharing Barriers

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Figure 1. Knowledge Management System Continuance Model – Contribution Perspective [6] 2. Knowledge sharing barriers Barriers in healthcare may include functional silos, individualism, poor means of knowledge capture, inadequate technology, internal competition and im-proper decision-making roles. Generally, there are a mix of structural and infrastructure barriers too which are coupled by the predominance of human ones - social, behavioural and psychological.[7] Knowledge sharing barriers are categorized into three groups: individual knowledge sharing barriers, group barriers, and technological barriers.[7,8] In-dividual barriers are lack of time to share knowledge, time to identify colleagues in need of specific knowledge,…show more content…
Knowledge Sharing Culture “Healthcare knowledge sharing culture is the inte-grated pattern of practitioner’s behaviour that in-cludes thoughts, speech, action, and artefacts and depends on practitioner’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding genera-tions.[3] Leveraging knowledge sharing can be explained from Figure 2 consisting of three levels, the inner operational level that represents techno-infrastructure, the outer compliance level represents the culture and trust which forms the major contrib-uting factor towards knowledge sharing. These are overlapped by conceptual level, which represent healthcare artefact, knowledge sharing medium and…show more content…
A study conducted by Seewon Ryua et,al [9] reported the result of a sur-vey on physicians’ knowledge sharing behaviour collected from 286 physicians practicing in 28 types of subunits in 13 tertiary hospitals in Korea. The study found that physicians’ subjective norm to have the strongest total effect (direct plus indirect) on their behavioural intentions to share knowledge. In addition, attitude and perceived behavioural con-trol were found to have significant effect on physi-cians’ knowledge sharing behaviour. The author has recommended that chief knowledge officers and managers of healthcare organization should pay more attention to create an environment where phy-sicians can have positive subjective norms and atti-tude towards knowledge sharing. Achieving this may require fostering a number of cultural factors, professional autonomy, communication structure cohesiveness and partnership

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