Klamath Vs Netsilik

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Hunting and Gathering for the Klamath and Netsilik differed greatly since the Eskimos did much of their hunting in summer and winter months and dried and saved food for the rest of the year. They were constantly on the move, with a reliable hunting schedule that they followed throughout the year. The Klamath hunted for different animals depending on what season it was. In both cultures, women did the gathering and men did the hunting. A typical diet for the Netsilik involved Caribou, salmon, and seals, most fish were eaten raw. Whale hunting was unique to the Netsilik tribe and techniques include using noises to confuse the animal, using kayaks and throwing lances, and poisoning the animal, For the Eskimo, the hunting, slaying, and the division…show more content…
In 1950’s the Netsilik began to respond to the climate change and no longer carried out the same hunting and living traditions as the past. The change forced them to find new housing structures (not igloos) and traveling was no longer all on snow and hunters had motorboats for fishing. For the Klamath, the Euro American culture invasion was gradual but it began in 1792 when European ships came to the coast and the fur trade began. They thought of the American Indians as, blood thirsty savages. It seemed in 1826, north western tribes stuck to their old way of life, wanting to carry out their traditional culture for many years to come. When treaties were signed and the removal act began in Washington, the tribes began to think, “to live in some new, strange way seemed like spiritual death”(210). They had no choice, however and soon they were pushed to small reservations. The Netsilik faced the Europeans too, they brought with them artifacts that the Netsilik used instead of their own. The Traditional language of Inuktitut dyed when youth began to learn English in Euro-Canadian Schools. It quickly became impossible to go back to the old way of life. In the book “To the American Indian: Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman”, by Lucy Thompson, she explains that upon the arrival of the white people, the Indians believed they were “the ancient white people…show more content…
In an article entitled, “Climate change in the arctic: Current and Future Vulnerability in two Inuit Communities”, by James D. Ford, he explains how temperature changes have caused problems by saying, “ a consequence of this has been that climatic stressors that previously caused hunters few problems are now a matter of life or death for many young Inuit.” Basically, thinning ice is increasing the amount of danger it takes to catch certain fish. Inuit people in the arctic have been forced to constantly change with the conditions and try new

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