John Steinbeck Why Soldiers Don T Talk Analysis

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War, to some, their perception is a way for those committed can serve their country in the most patriotic way possible by eliminating the side that posing a threat. Now to those who feel that war has a positive impact on those involved. They might believe that this very way on conflict is fundamental. However, in opposing there is also a detrimental side to this activity triggering nightmares, delusions, and hallucinations. In John Steinbeck’s description of his experience as a soldier he concluded, War was such a sore subject soldiers developed the ability to forget their experience. He also says that war is detrimental to the mindset of past veterans because of the effects, they have become shell-shocked, they chose to forget or it has become too painful to relive a second time. Soldiers feel that there in a state where they feel numbness, float, faint or dreamlike. Randall Jarell has a similar perception of war; he sees the truth that the war gives off these deceptions that preys on the emotions of aspiring soldiers. In this case the saying…show more content…
Because he explains the pains, the ex-soldiers feel in the aftermath of the war. Indirectly persuading you feel sorry for them. He goes in detail in describing the pain these soldiers feel. This is often times is kept out of the public. He based this piece off his own personal experience, making him a credible source because he witnessed it first hand, similar to Rendell Jarells "death of the ball turret gunner" which describes the truth, which is the soldiers that fight for our country are unappreciated and treated like common junk. The last sentence in this piece "they washed me out of the turret with a hose" signifies his point war isn’t how it’s perceived to the public. The serviceman’s act applies to both accounts of war because it was put in place to provide relief from stress to soldiers, which hopefully can lift the pressures of war

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