Jim Jefferies's Satirical Analysis

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We acknowledge writers, scientists, journalists, and reporters for bringing situations to the public’s eye, or looking at old situations from a new angle. Humorists are no different, whether they are talk show hosts, cartoon characters, cartoonists, bloggers, or stand-up comedians. They gracefully take the most complicated and controversial of situations and make fun of it, while shedding light on deeper underlying issues. The best can turn a crowd of people from one view to another, through nothing but smiles and laughs. It is a method much more delicate than presenting an argument while dispatching your opponent’s. This method doesn’t leave the sense of bitter defeat in the mouth of the opposition, but a thrilling joy, and a feeling that…show more content…
During one of his comedy shows Jim Jefferies[4] takes a stab at the issue within America. Being from Australia, Jim provides a unique perspective on the subject, from an angle that had gone unaddressed until that moment. He presents his satire ‘argument’ and gives a humorous example to follow each of his points. Attacking multiple counter arguments which he brutally deconstructs (more like demolishes) to the delight of the crowed. By using the element of comedy to argue he is able to express ideas and points that normal would be intolerable in civil discord and allow there to be no bruised egos at the end, for after all, they are jokes. This method gives humorists allowances that aren’t given to the general populi. Through humor comedians (like Jefferies) are at greater liberties to confront and dispatch arrogant…show more content…
While they aren’t wrong, they are looking at it wrong. The first and most important purpose of humorists is to make their audience laugh or at the very least amuse them. Unskilled humorists are often incapable of the higher levels of comedy which means they are often doomed to ‘stupid’ jokes. However, this does not mean they are vectors of arrogance. They jokes they produce are not intended to sway an audience let alone make a point. They are made just for the temporary enjoyment of the crowed, not to give light to a new

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