Julius Caesar Roundness

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A strong character is a round character; it displays many traits and is not predictable. In Julius Caesar, Marc Antony exhibits the qualities of a round character. His caring attitude, cleverness, bravery, and many other traits present themselves in a fashion showing his depth. Through his lines, Marc Antony shows a personality that highlights his manipulative and caring nature, yet subtly expresses his roundness and ability to have many roles. With his various monologues and dialogues, Antony is able to trick his enemies and almost always have the upper hand through his manipulative nature. After the conspirators brutally murdered Caesar in Act III, Marc Antony displays his cleverness and smartness when he sends a servant in place of him…show more content…
This allows Antony to have the last word and to convince the common that Caesar’s death was a fatal mistake. At the beginning of his oration, Antony claims “I come to bury Caesar, not praise him” (JC 3.2.82), which is a lie since he does the polar opposite. Throughout the oration, Antony repeats “But Brutus says he was ambitious,/And Brutus is an honorable man.” (J.C 3.2.94-95). Antony effectively repeats the line above and follows it with an example demonstrating Caesar’s good, such as Caesar bringing back captives or denying the crown three times. At the end, Antony asks the crowd why they have suddenly turned against Caesar, the man they loved, and closes with “Bear with me;/ My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,” (JC 3.2.113-115). Showing his extreme love for Caesar by saying his heart is with Caesar, Antony touches the crowd with a soft and emotional line. Few minutes later, Antony says “Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it;/ It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you.” (JC 3.2.150-151), referring to Caesar’s will. He does so to excite the crowd about Caesar’s will, which he later reveals to not know. He announces that Caesar left money for each citizen and that his land would be publicly used, leading to the common shouting in joy and praising Caesar for his
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