Comparing Antony And Brutus In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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After Caesar’s unexpected assassination, the citizens of Rome were not what to think. Both Antony and Brutus did, however, have strong (but different) opinions on the matter and each took a turn to communicate their thought to the crowd. After Brutus’ riveting speech, it was Antony’s chance to speak to the plebeians in an attempt to incite them against the conspirators. By demonstrating proper tone, usage of Aristotle’s appeals, and rhetorical strategies, Antony was able to more effectively convince the plebeians of his point. Throughout Antony’s funeral speech, there was a sarcastic, almost disgusted tone present that simultaneously built up his argument and destroyed Brutus’. One example of Antony’s tone would be his constant repetition. Throughout the speech, Antony said “Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus if an honorable man.” (Julius Caesar 3.2.96), or something along those lines about four or five…show more content…
When said only once, the line would definitely build Brutus’ credibility, however, after being repeated so many times, it loses its effectiveness and begins to sound sarcastic. By the end of his speech, it is obvious that Antony does not genuinely believe that Brutus is honorable. It more seems to insinuate the opposite. Aside from his tone, Antony also incorporated Aristotle’s appeals into his funeral speech. At the end of his speech, he Antony states “You all did love him once, not without cause; what cause withholds you then to mourn for him?” (Julius Caesar 3.2.112-113) This is a wonderful example of logos because it forces the audience to stop and think for a while. A week ago they were trying to crown him king; hours ago they thought he was a kind and honorable man, however a few exciting words from Brutus had riled them up and made them

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