Antony Plutarch Analysis

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According to Plutarch, Mark Antony was both a bold and wise commander and a foolhardy and honest soul. He was known for being fearless in battle and for being a great strategist which made him both a valuable ally and a dangerous foe. This led to Antony being thought to be a descendent of Hercules, an idea that was strengthened with the ancient rumor that Antony was a descendent of Hercules’ son, Anton (Plutarch, “Antony” 57 and 108). He was also known however for being a bit of a “playboy” and enjoyed drinks and luxury and was likened to the god Bacchus for his frivolity (Plutarch, “Antony” 108). Shakespeare portrays Antony to be an intelligent individual and daring commander with an intense love for Caesar. He is dramatized as an orator…show more content…
As addressed by Plutarch in his account, as a commander of legions, this was a trait many admired and few could achieve so well as he. Shakespeare made it clear when in Julius Caesar, Cassius sought to bring about Antony’s demise alongside that of Caesar. Cassius describes Antony as “a shrewd contriver” and warns that “his means/ If he improve them, may well stretch so far/ As to annoy us all…” (Julius Caesar, II.1.171-3). This proves all too true as it is Antony’s speech at Caesar’s funeral to enrage the masses against the conspirators who murdered Caesar. In using his silver tongue, Antony has little trouble lighting a fire to civil conflict over Caesar’s death. Moreover, he is able to save his own hide immediately following Caesar’s murder by telling the conspirators that while he loved Caesar, he understands what they claim to be their motive for Caesar’s death and even shakes hands with all of them as if he commends their actions. He uses this to ask to speak at Caesar’s funeral, a speech which will give him the chance to rectify the wrong he feels done to his friend. Consumed by the words of Antony, Brutus and the others give Antony this chance (though some remain wary of this opportunity) where upon Antony seals their fates as traitors, murderers and men of evil

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