Joseph Pulitzer's Life And Work

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Joseph Pulitzer was born on April 10, 1847, in Makó, Hungary. He was the son of Fülöp Pulitzer, a wealthy grain merchant who was of Jewish origin, and Elize Pulitzer, a German who was a devout Roman Catholic. The Pulitzer family became bankrupt after Fülöp’s death in 1858. Pulitzer tried to enlist in numerous European armies looking for work in order to support his family. Each time, he was rejected due to his weak eyesight and health. He then moved to the U.S. to join the 1st New York Cavalry for a bounty of $200, which he was a part of for eight months. He was fluent in Hungarian, French, and German, but knew little English until after the American Civil War was over. Most of the soldiers in his regiment were German immigrants. After the

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