John Steinbeck's Of Mice Of Men

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In our life we see the many types of love in our everyday life. There is motherly,protective love, friendship as a form of love, and there is love that is taken in physical form. In Of Mice Of Men, we see John Steinbeck explore the effects of these types of love upon the humans in the relationship.In Of Mice Of Men we see three different types of love, in this story we see that there is many different types of characters on one single ranch during the Great Depression. The main characters, Lennie and George, have a very close bond, but we see that there are many other ways to love on this ranch as the other characters love certain people or other objects with their own twist of love. Through this scene, Steinbeck adds examples to his central…show more content…
During this part of this part of the story we see that in their cabin they are talking to each other and while they interact the characteristics of the friendship show. For example, when Carlson tells Candy to put his dog to sleep he then offers, “Tell you what. I’ll shoot him for you. Then it won’t be you that does it,” (Steinbeck 42). Another example of this friendship is shown when Whit says, “If you got idears, you ought ta come in town with us guys tommorra night,” (Steinbeck 49). These quotes show the friendship is one that brings these men together. In both these quotes the tone is informal, and it is shown that it was not necessary. In this unnecessity we can see that the whole point of these invitations were looking out for their fellow workers. This type of love is created by a similarity the workers feel due to working in the same environment.This type of love often can often bring people together in times of emergency, but after lots of time passes this type of love transforms into another type of…show more content…
Then Whit says, “Curley got yella-jackets in his drawers,” (Steinbeck 49). Finally, when Curley looks for his wife his actions described his feelings, “Curley’s shoulders dropped and squared… [he] jumped out the door and banged it after him,” (Steinbeck 51).The reason that George calls Curley’s wife jail bait because he sees her as trouble and can send an innocent man to jail because of her increased sexual drive, he then goes to say she is, “all set on the trigger,” to tell how she can hurt anyone at anytime. In the second quote Whit calls Curley having yella-jackets which means that his sexual desires have grown due to his wife’s large sexual desire. Then Curley’s actions then show how this physical love has transformed into of an animal. This was shown by his erratic actions and his actions that are ready to lash at anything that gets between him and his supposed love.Physical love often leads to create character to lose his or her humanity and transform it into a beast. This love is very dangerous as it leads to many conflicts in the book itself and in real
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