. According to Greg Lynn, writer of “Folding in Architecture”, Deleuze’s concept of the fold is of exact prominence for this analysis of the “addition of alterations within a continuous yet heterogeneous system” for it offers “a theory of synthesis and unity that maintains detail as a discrete moment that participates intensively in the construction of a new kind of whole”-Lynn. Furthermore, according to architectural theorist John Rajchman in his thesis “Out of the Fold” from Folding in architecture, Deleuze’s theory of the fold suggests a creative concept of intricacy that is not contained in the one that is held in several means, but somewhat in fact everything may continuously deviate into various others (The Garden of Forking Paths –…show more content… Greg Lynn also shared a similar thought concerning the fold in relation to space where she discussed that Folding in Architecture was more or less her reflection that it was becoming something limited by surfaces rather than grids ;thus, a change in discerning space in positions of coordinates, to space in positions of exteriors . “The outside is not a fixed limit but a moving matter animated by peristaltic movements, folds and foldings that together make up an inside: they are not something other than the outside, but precisely the inside of the outside.” Deleuze. One of Deleuzes models for the fold is “St Marie de la Tourette” by Le Corbusier, he focused on the similarities between the chapel and the monade, Baroque inspired Le Corbusier .Gilles Deleuze added that the fold is not considered as a dimensional alteration but one that can work as a level of expansion and modifications. Even its antonym ‘unfolding’ is not to be assumed as the contrary of “fold” as the language may propose but rather it shadows the fold up to the next fold. It is itself a compound of the fold “The simplest way of stating the point is by saying that to unfold is to increase, to grow; whereas to fold is to diminish, to reduce, to withdraw into the recesses of a