Jessica Monologue

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Hi i’m Jake and i’m 16 I go to Aincrad Arc High school, I live by myself in a apartment that is right next to school, Someday I want to become to become a video game designer because I really like to play video games. Anyways I gotta head to school or i’m gonna be late, As I entered through the school gate I took a quick glance at my phone to see what time it is, 7:38 great I still have some time left I went into the school building and saw Jessica, “Hi Jessica” I called out to her, “Hey Jake” she called back to me. Jessica is a childhood friend, we’ve been friends ever since 1st grade. A lot of kids here that I don’t even know call me anti-social I guess it’s because I don’t have any friends other than Jessica. I’m terrible at making friends…show more content…
Attention citizens The Water Menace will be killing people with deadly weapons in their homes please get rid of your deadly things. I heard the news lady say. I quickly took the two swords that my father had given me and quickly hid it in my car. I went to my parents house to see if they listened to the news lady, but when I entered their home I found them dead. I took their bodies and burried them behind their house. And that was when I decided I’m gonna have my revenge. I went into my car and drove straight to The Water Menaces stronghold called the water kingdom. I put on my dark coat and rammed the gate and jumped out and then grabbed the two swords from the passenger seat. I got out of the car and started to kill as many Water Menaces minions that got in my way. Slicing through the blue colored minions I finally made it to The Water Menace I took a quick stab but The Water Menace made a counter and made a gigantic slice on my arm, “OWWW!!!” I cried out. The Water Menace took a few more clean slices on my arms,chest,legs and on my face. “Get out of here, one more time you break in here and i’ll execute you!!!” The Water Menace Screamed. I got into my car and drove out of…show more content…
I quickly went my parents home and went into the backyard I made some fire proof dummies to train on and practiced with my swords, Ten days later I went to the city to just look around a bit. In the city I seen The Flooded, The Flooded is The Water Menaces strongest general. I quickly ran up to him with agile and when I finally had him in reach I took two quick slashes and sent him flying and then I shot four fire balls at him. He lay flat on the ground defeated. A little more training and I will be
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