Jazz Concert Essay

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I would like to start out by saying that I have never listened to a brass quintet live before. The show was absolutely amazing. The high piercing sound of the trumpets mixed with the reverberating blast from the tuba, the smooth slide of the trombone and mellow song from the french horn will last in my mind for a long time. The musicians were very nice and put on a great show. I had a chance to speak with some of them before and after the show and during intermission. My only regret is not getting their autographs on my program. My attention was quickly obtained when the quintet walked into the room playing. The acoustics in the room amplified the sound wonderfully. After their opening piece, and after every concurrent piece, the french horn player Andreas Binder introduced each member of the group. He made special note of the fact that their newest trumpet player (Elizabeth Fessler) was a beautiful, young woman and joked with the audience to set up their next piece. As mentioned before, they comically introduced Elizabeth and in “My Fair Lady,” told a story about a flower girl in England who was taught how to b a lady by a professor who made a bet with a colonel…show more content…
At some times, the trumpet players would call from a different room while the french horn, trombone, and tuba would answer in the main hall. There was a lot of movement around the audience which kept me on the edge of my seat just wondering what they would do next. During “Africa” and their tribute to Neil Armstrong, they played several very jazzy variations of well known songs. Andreas also surprised the audience by putting down his french horn and picking up drums and even a trumpet. His versatility astounded me and I was thrilled to witness such great musicians at work. The encore piece that they played was “Carnival of Venice.” Masterfully played by the tuba player, Manfred Haberlein. I had never heard a tuba played that fast

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