Jane Austen Research Paper

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The notable contrast to the novels of the age was Jane Austen’s writings with their charming descriptions of everyday life. Austen’s originality, her creation of ordinary and unforgettable characters, her accounts of how they change challenged her contemporaries’ expectations about novels’ plots, setting and characterization. While other writers used the novel to give moral examples, to describe real or imagined worlds and ways of life, Austen’s achievement was to create a realm of characters whose emotions were recognizable, exploits were familiar and faults were human. Going against the trends of her time, she examined the human character and motivation with a gentle irony and perceptiveness which made her novels unique, as representation of universal patterns of behaviour and…show more content…
With a humorous revelation of affection and with a firm confirmation of the merits of self-control, she countered the late XVIII century promotion of sensitivity and sentiment, Austen highlighted the ongoing search for order in a world overwhelmed by chaos and threatened from all directions, not only by war, or class division, but by such human fears as loneliness, uncertainty and failure as well. She wrote in the mood of Wollstonecraft’s “Vindication of the Rights of Women” drawing attention to the economic problems women had and asserting that women shared the same moral nature as man and had the same kind of individual rights and obligations. Most of her characters, especially those like Anne Elliott or Emma Woodhouse passed through a hard moral experience before they realized that one thing that truly mattered in life was the actual value of man and women, his/her donation for impartial devotion, fidelity and

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