Argumentative Essay On The Yellow Wallpaper

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Dascha Nelipowitz Essay 1 English 104 While the setting of “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman obviously presents the possibility that the narrator is trapped in an insane asylum, it also illustrates the situations of many woman in the late nineteenth century. This story is about a woman driven insane by postpartum depression and risky treatment. However, the narrator’s characterization reveals how the story is about finding identity. The narrator’s projection of an imaginary woman fragments her identity considering the imaginary woman was her own shadow at first. This arises the conflict she experiences and eventually leading to the complete mental breakdown of the boundaries of her identity and that of her projected shadow.…show more content…
With “barred windows for little children and rings and things in the walls” the room is a prison (Gilman 239). Considering the pattern on the yellow wallpaper “at night in any kind of light, twilight, candlelight, lamplight, and worst of all moonlight, becomes bars” as if she is imprisoned in her own reality (Gilman 246). She refers to the wallpaper as being bars twice in this aspect. The narrator expresses her feelings as being imprisoned by projecting her feelings into the wallpaper. “I sometimes fancy that in my condition, if i had less opposition and more society and stimulus--but john says the very worst thing i can do is think about my condition, and i confess it always makes me feel bad” She’s expressing not being allowed to talk about her condition in the least bit drives her insane (Gilman, 239). The feeling of her room becoming a prison goes from being figurative to more literal as the isolation from reality deepens her need to

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