most people are being taught how to use the internet and how to Google information getting a sense security from the use of the internet and Google. In the society we live in most of us have grown up using the internet and Google for our daily life, we tend to think of it is as bare necessities of our daily lives; we use it for research, looking up TV shows, recipes. Google has taken the center stage of the internet industry, making it easier to find what we need and want, by the simple touch of
However, not all articles written about the impact technology has on society today are completely hyperbolic. The article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid” by Nicholas Carr is putting the world on to already evident facts. Our generation’s dependence on technology has caused people to lose the ability to think independently. This dependence has caused a greater reliance on Google and other search engines rather than retaining information discovered in a book or article. Though information is pinpointed