Informative Speech On Antacids

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As you walk down a pharmacy aisle with fear of upcoming heartburn at tonight’s dinner, you notice there is a whole aisle dedicated to antacids. With all of the many different types of antacids, how do you know which one to buy? There are many different types of antacids such as magnesium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, and aluminum hydroxide. We decided to test our antacids in a mixture of water and the antacid and then made a solution of the mixture and grape juice. In our research, we have learned what heartburn is, how antacids work, what the different types of antacids are, and the top rated antacid brands. What is heartburn? Heartburn is a burning felling in the chest that is caused by stomach acid going up into…show more content…
You can buy this over the counter medication at almost any store that sells medications. Antacids work by having the active ingredient neutralize the stomach acid. When this happens, relief is almost instant. While some antacids are made for immediate relief, some antacids are made to prevent acid reflux. Antacids are used for heartburn and does not get rid of the acid buildup occurring. They are temporary relief that might only work for a few hours at a time. Antacids can be classified into two groups. One group of antacids work by using different chemicals to neutralize the gastric acid. An example of this group of antacids is sodium bicarbonate. The other group works by absorbing the acid. Examples of these antacids are calcium and magnesium salts. Chemical antacids work the fastest, but may cause “acid rebound”. Acid rebound is when more of your stomach acid comes back after the antacid has stopped working. Chemical antacids also might not be the wisest choice for people with hypertension because of the high concentrations of…show more content…
They both are chewable tables and liquids that you take through your mouth. Magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide also are used to treat heartburn, acid indigestion, upset stomach, and symptoms of peptic ulcer, gastritis, esophagitis, and hiatal hernia. Some side effects of these antacids are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe stomach pain and constipation, and coughing up blood. You can find aluminum hydroxide in antacids as the minerals gibbsite, and the polymers bayerite, doyleite, and nordstrandite. Brucite in the solid mineral form of magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium hydroxide antacids can be called milk of magnesia because its appearance is milk

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