Informative Essay On Mark Colborn

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[imgr][/imgr]An alleged terror attack to get the ginger royal on the throne has been uncovered. Mark Colborn, a neo-Nazi was found guilty for planning a terror attack. The man wanted to shoot Prince Charles using a sniper rifle so that Prince Harry could take the throne. The man also compared himself to the mass murderer, Anders Breivik. He was caught by his half brother when he found chemicals and documents saying he had a racial hatred in his bedroom at his family home in Southampton. The man was trialed earlier this year but the Jury failed to make a verdict. However, Colborne was found guilty during a retrial and was found out to be preparing terrorist attacks before his arrest on June 3rd last year. He was jailed due to possession of notes copied from The Terrorist Handbook and similar sources, some giving information on making explosives. He was also found with notes on poisonous chemicals. The jury rejected aspects of his allegations including the fact that he had stockpiled equipment such as face-masks and had possessed chemicals to make cyanide. Whilst in his trial, Colborn said he felt alienated and marginalised for the fact that he was a white, ginger haired man.…show more content…
They found one of his notebooks and inside it read “I don't want to be a serial killer. I'm more of an Anders Breivik. I have left potential targets open. I was waiting for an opportunity to kill one of them. Let it be Prince Charles which would be good." Following on from this he also said he wanted a “Silent Rifle” and said "Take up a good position and put a bullet in Charles's head. He is protected but not too protected. I would sacrifice my life for that one shot. Kill Charles and William and Harry become king. Kill the

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