Inequality In The Collector

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Whilst the majority of today's people surmise that our commonwealth situate an exalted valuation on coordination, there is one system of inequality that nevertheless endures, videlicet class. This is vastly frequent in England whereat the traditional prospect still is obstinate. Several books have construed this phenomenon, but merely one particular book proffer a tolerably exquisite perspective - The Collector by John Fowles. This novel examines the system through baffling relationships and contradictory identities and furthermore depicture how the system may become perverted. There do not subsist any generic definition of the class system in England, but there is some communal cognizance that is central throughout the novel. The people in…show more content…
233) Which ironically will strengthen the ties with previously mentioned characters by Austen. My opinion is that this concept is most obvious if you take a look on Miranda's strange relationship with GP. In this relationship, Miranda is actually the Many and GP is more privileged i.e. the Few. In addition to this, GP is in actuality Miranda's teacher which makes the relationship even more apparent. One interesting thing about this is that GP even gives her a "list of rules" (p. 152) to live by. Quite similar to what Miranda is doing the first days in captivity by Clegg. "‘I want a proper bath in a proper bath" (p. 61) Something that I clearly observed is how Miranda can assume the authority to berate Clegg in his own house, when she in reality has her own rules to abide by? Maybe this shows even stronger similarities with the Austen characters? Apparently, Miranda shows the same arrogance as the previously mentioned characters exhibit in their own stories. Which really makes the classes moderately…show more content…
For instance, she attempts to show him the wonder in the world of art and even "gives" him Catcher in the Rye to read. "I tried to teach him what to look for in abstract art after supper. It’s hopeless" (p. 290) I think that this shows how caring Miranda really is despite Fowles' contradictory description. But maybe it is just a facade from her because she want to be released? However, when Miranda shows Frederick her paintings, I think that he really tried to care and show interest towards them. Clegg even tried to read the book but maybe not so wholeheartedly. "Caliban handed me The Catcher in the Rye and said, I’ve read it." (p. 262) However, I noticed that after a while Frederick realized that it was only a facade of Miranda, which means that he then became more restrained. Furthermore, the fact that Clegg is fairly insular towards new things makes Miranda incredibly frustrated because Frederick would "always squirm one step lower than she could go” (p. 80) One thing that amazes me is why Miranda had such difficulties to teach Clegg? When he usually tend to admire her. My hypothesis is that Miranda is also a part of the Many and as previously mentioned have some things left to learn. Or perhaps it as simple as Clegg's personality is impossible to change? However, the fact that Miranda did not gave up to teach might show that the classes are quite normal after all, since that authority and the
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