Importance Of Puudu Jail

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The imposing Gate House or the Main Gate Tower Block ofKuala Lumpur’s Pudu Jail can be seen ifone passes through Jalan Hang Tuah. There is nothing romantic or appealing to this bastion of law and punishment. Thousands ofprisoners have passed through the 116 year old prison, and hundreds have been executed within the walls, for crime such as murder, kidnapping, drugs and firearms possession. The structure was built by the BritishColonial masters in 1895, on the sight of a former Chinese cemetery in order to provide a location to house the growing numbers of Chinese Triad Society gangsters, who were fighting among themselves to gain control of the lucrative tin mining industry. There were chaos, fighting and murders were common. There was also…show more content…
It is a creepy and eerie place with an atmosphere of misery, which adds gloominess to an already scary location. On certain stormy nights, with thunder and lightning, the rattling of chains, terrified shrieks, groans, moans, and desperate cries could be heard coming from the gallows. A ghost is often defined as the spiritor soul ofa dead person who had remained restless on earth after death. With such tales of suffering, hate, pain and loss, itis hardly surprising that Pudu Jail has become known not only locally but also throughout the world as a haunted prison. It is believed that the souls of the dead prisoners till roamed the haunted Pudu Jail, especially the female headless ghost, who appeared to be looking for her missing head, and “Mak Chon”, the “Pontianak “ or vampire who was always hungry for blood. Only sometime they are not as silent. Some warders and prisoners with psychics eyes and minds are likely to see hear, smell or feel the ghosts. They are likely to hear noises that are chilling to the bone, smell burning joss sticks, or camphor powder or incense “kumian”. Sometimes they were pushed, shoved scratched or slapped by unseen

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