Importance Of Circuit Diagrams

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An electric circuit diagram is a graphical or pictorial representation of an electric circuit. Circuit diagrams are characteristically represented with symbols, conventions and images of electrical components. They are our map towards designing, construction and troubleshooting of circuits. An electric circuit diagram has become the necessity to understand the designing of circuitry. Either if it’s for the objective of learning the circuitry or if its ground breaking researches either new inventions or modern developments, a simple electronic circuit has become the utmost requirement. In modern world it’s clearly impossible to achieve the hands on experience on advanced digital circuits without a basic circuit diagram. A circuit diagram shows…show more content…
Later on in 20th century along with the developments in the field of science and technology, prominent progress has been made. Electric circuit designing has a viable significance in the domain of electrical and electronics engineering. Hand-drawn circuit diagrams are widely used, especially for the early design phases because sketch is a convenient tool to understand rough ideas of system development. Various detection and recognition soft wares have been formulated but no reasonable advancement was attained. Using such hand-drawn diagrams designers can focus more on the critical issues rather than on the intricate…show more content…
The automatic acquisition of hand-sketched electronic circuit diagrams, whose solution has many useful applications that include automatic input of circuit diagrams for circuit analysis purposes, beautification of circuits for layout rendering and human-computer interface for circuit input. This particular project has been a focus of research for the past 30 years in the world and especially in Pakistan this field is new and contains an entire horizon of research and development. The major aim is to provide a platform (project) which can perform basic recognition processes and drawing of an electric circuits containing components like resistors, capacitors, inductors, batteries, diodes, transistors, dc sources and ac sources etc. The procedures to perform these tasks are as follows. 1. Hand written drawing of any electronic circuit on hard copy. 2. Obtaining the image of the circuitry using any device but the image should not be blurred and should be focused. 3. Each component has to be distinguished completely and identified properly and has to be re-drawn using

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