Implicit Bias Research Paper

413 Words2 Pages
Hello Students, Thank you for the turnout we had at our training program last Wednesday, sponsored by the Department of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. We were ecstatic to see passionate and eager minds discussing the inherent nature of bias, and how it can be a detriment to public service. If you’re still interested in broadening your horizons on implicit biases, we have included some resources for you to use at your leisure: • The Implicit Bias Test, sponsored by Project Implicit, measures the strength of your associations between concepts (e.g., black people, gay people) and evaluations (e.g., good, bad) or stereotypes (e.g., athletic, clumsy). • Conversation with an Implicit Bias Skeptic is essentially an overview of implicit bias, written as an attempt to educate those who are still unfamiliar with the subject. This is attached as a .pdf to this e-mail. •…show more content…
This document is especially helpful if you find yourself to be more visually-inclined when learning. This is attached as a .docx to this e-mail. We would also like to thank you for your feedback on this program, as it allows us to develop more effective and comprehensive training programs for the future. If you enjoyed this program, we hope that you will join us for our Hispanic Heritage Month events, sponsored by The Carolina Latina/o Collaborative. Some of the upcoming events

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