I Like Abraham Research Paper

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One of the sons of Abraham, Isaac, grew up to be just like Abraham. God promised Abraham he would give him a son. This was a miracle because they were too old to have a baby and Sarah was unable to conceive a child. Isaac arrived in his father’s life at the age 100 and his mom was 90. The meaning of the name Isaac is laughter and he laughs. Isaac received his name from Sarah laughing when she found out God was giving her a baby at 90 years old. Isaac grew up in a house full of faith only in God. There have been a few stories showing Isaac’s faith. For example, Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac, at the age of thirteen, so Abraham and Isaac walked up the mountain that Jesus died on. When they got to the top Isaac willingly and faithfully laid down on the altar. As Abraham held the knife to Isaac’s neck, God called out and instead sacrificed the ram stuck in the thicket. Not only at this moment was Isaac a shadow of Jesus, but he continued to show this throughout his life. After Abraham’s servant brought back Rebekah to marry him, Isaac then lived a life just like his…show more content…
He also became very wealthy because he sowed crops in one season and in return God gave him 100 fold. Isaac also grew up to be a wealthy farmer; he mostly grew his farms in fringes near Gera (Gen 26:12-15). Isaac become well known and was the envy to his land. Since Rebekah was not able to have a child, God blessed them in the same way as Abraham by giving them twins. The twin’s names were Jacob and Esau, Esau was the first born but later has to be a servant to his brother. When Isaac got older he went blind and Jacob tricked him into giving him the first born blessing. Isaac had the friends Rebekah, Abraham, Sarah, his sons, and Hagar. Isaac had a half brother named Ishmael, he was aggressive and more dominate over Isaac. Later Hagar and Ishmael were sent away from Abraham’s family; Isaac was around 13 years

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