I Find No Peace Figurative Language

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Thomas Wyatt’s advanced intellect acquired from Cambridge University molded him into the memorable poet that he is acknowledged as today. In “I Find No Peace,” Wyatt painfully describes his wretched situation in life. He ultimately feels weighted down by every bit of his surroundings, when he is perfectly capable of being free and soaring through life. The diction utilized by Thomas throughout this piece made it possible for the reader to fully grasp the concept of the work. Along with other techniques, Wyatt used figurative language, vibrant imagery, and symbolism to amplify deeper meaning of his pieces. Thomas Wyatt instills various types of figurative language throughout “I Find No Peace.” Not only does the use of similes, personification, and other tools add special flare to this sonnet, but it adds intensity, variety, color, and creativity as well. Utilizing this rhetorical tool lures a reader into this piece of literature and keeps it interesting enough for the individual to continue exploring Wyatt’s poetry.…show more content…
Thomas employs symbolism in this piece to suggest a much more amplified meaning. When Sir Wyatt declares, “That loseth nor locket holdeth me in prison and holdeth me not- yet can I scape no wise..” he is not only describing being imprisoned in a literal manner, but he is trying to convey the message that he is emotionally trapped as well. His thoughts, mind, and entire being are restrained from exploring the world even if he is entirely capable of doing so. That which is locking him down symbolically represents the actual struggle he is facing. “I Find No Peace” is entirely allegorical as he readily illustrates complex ideas of death and misery into comprehensible ways for readers to grasp. Overall, his challenge to defeat this source of burden is nearly impossible as he continues to describe his dejected

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