consider even the term “women writer” as derogatory, taking away their artistic autonomy and identity and categorizing them by gender. Feminist theories help to expose the hidden ideologies, the subtle patriarchal implications, in the world depicted by novelists. The social construct of femininity exerts enormous psychological pressure on women through what Betty Friedan termed “the feminine mystique”- “the notion that the highest value and the only commitment for women is the fulfillment of own identity
levels as men. However over the years feminists have overcome some obstacles and have tried to somewhat equate with men. Although at first they might not even notice that there is a barrier that is stopping them
She came out and accused the media as well as other professions such as doctors of discriminating against women by arguing that since they are predominately male they allow for the housewife mentality that was prevalent of the time. In 1963, Betty Friedan published “The Feminine Mystique” with the intention of critiquing the media, this work was a key aspect in the origin of the 1960’s women’s movement (Williams, 57). This work publicized the concept that the media was the central cause of society’s