How Were Women Treated In The 1930's

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Women have faced unfair treatment since the beginning of mankind. During the 1900s was the best and the worst of the times. Women had very strict rules on them and if any rules were broken they would be “punished” or their reputation would be ruined. Some women liked to push the limits and prove that they were just as capable to do any other job a man could do, such as radio shows, acting, etc. Joan Davis was one of the leading ladies in this movement. Up until the late 1930s and early 1940s men were the dominant roles in television and radio, due to the wars going on and them being called over seas women were finally able to step up and be seen. Women have always been the “supporting” roles or the silent faces in the back, but now they…show more content…
There was another system that was attempting to be put into placed called the Co-op system. One issue the co-op system ran into right away was music industries did not want their members participating on different sponsors. The co-op stations ended up producing more news, quiz shows, and discussion shows where they did not need music. The Co-op system was attempting to help smaller national companies to advertise during prime time networking at a price they could afford. Davis’s issue with this was that there were not enough sponsors to sustain the high profile of the show. CBS however during the failure of the co-op system found a new way of producing and making money. They used the package system but they cut out the middleman. Instead of having to go through an agent to sell a program why couldn’t the star or producer just sell the program directly to the station? So this is exactly what CBS did. Between 1947 and 1947 CBS attempted to open up the prime-time air for female actresses and producers. They debuted four different programs that all became successful in some way or another on…show more content…
Today women are starring in their own shows, they are comedians, they are dramatic, women play every role that a man can in today’s broadcasting. Women have been able to really make a name for themselves, there are women broadcasters on sports shows that before only men were able to do. Yes, there are always going to be men, who believe women cannot report on thing such as sports and news, that they would do best as “weather girls”. Women are starring in award winning movies they are breaking down every barrier that was set in front of them. A complete one-eighty has occurred where before men were the breadwinners and the wives just stayed at home and always agreed with their husbands, whereas now women are the ones who are working hard and in some instances “bossing” their husbands around. These shows are showing that women are the ones “always right” and making decisions. Women have become powerful on the big screen and
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