Similarities Between Garvey And Malcolm X

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The African American, or “Black”, community has always endured racial discrimination. African Americans have always been treated inferior to the white communities, just because of the pigment of their skin. Leaders, for example, Marcus Garvey or Malcom X, have been fighting for these rights since the 1920’s. Throughout the decades, although it has gotten slightly better, the black community has been isolated and treated unfairly. Black separatism begins with the idea of separating African Americans completely from the white Americans, but is this really the correct method to obtain equal rights? Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X both had parallel views on the idea of separatism, while Martin Luther King Jr. and W.E.B. DuBois inclined towards the…show more content…
There were “white- only” restrooms, restaurants, clubs, even water fountains. Negro children were forbidden from public parks, swimming pools, and “white-only” schools. Every day they witnessed African Americans being beaten and jailed for ridiculous reasons. Although slavery was over they could barely function in society, let alone hold a job and put food on the table. This is the reason that many African Americans fought for separation. Malcolm X was known as a racial extremists as he fought for separation. Most Africans wanted the philosophy that Martin Luther King Jr. presented which was integration (Cone, 1939). After Malcolm X was released from prison he began his devotion to the Nation of Islam. He began a newspaper article in the early 1950’s along with Elijah Muhammed. Together they promoted the idea of complete and total separation from white communities. “They viewed integration as a scheme by white people to save themselves from damnation” (Brooks, 1996). In regards to this announcement, The Black Muslim group stated that the only option they had was for African Americans to isolate themselves entirely. This declared them as a Black Separatists

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