How Lucille Ball Changed America

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Jakeb Ree Mrs. Farmer English 3 3/9/2015 How Lucille ball changed America Lucille ball changed American society with her feisty attitude, energetic lifestyle, ability to make anyone laugh, being a role model for women, and her persistent fight to change the view of sexists. Lucille ball faced hard times and ups and downs. Lucy pioneered a new generation of comedy. Most of America remembers Lucille ball as a red haired feisty comedian who could make the most uptight politician bust a gut, but many do not realize what influence she had on society and what it took to get to her fame. Lucille ball is one of the most recognized and important characters of hers and future generations.…show more content…
Lucy lost her birth father when she was only 3 and one half years old (Kanfer 12). Lucy and her mother returned to upstate New York to burry Had (Lucy’s father) with no money and a baby on the way (Kanfer 13). When lucys brother was born he took all the attention of lucys mother and grandparents and lucy felt underappreciated(Kranfer 13). Like many of the children of the time lucy was left in the care of her step-grandparents while her mother and step-father left in search of jobs. Even back in the early days of the 1900s looks got you a long way. Lucy’s step-grandparents thought of Lucy as a big footed crooked tooth like girl that was unmannered and did not see Lucy’s potential. Because of Lucy’s childhood she had a compassionate side later in life that helped shape her career and connect with the ones she

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