Ignite Me Katniss Comparison

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“For so many years I lived in constant terror of myself. Doubt had married my fear and moved into my mind, where it built castles and ruled kingdoms and reigned over me, bowing my will to its whispers until I was little more than an acquiescing peon, too terrified to disobey, too terrified to disagree” (Mafi 235). This is said by Juliette Ferrars in Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi. This book shows the revolt against the Reestablishment, or government. Juliette and her friends, Adam, Warner, and Kenji, along with others, try to take down the government after Juliette is put in an insane asylum for 264 days. When Warner finally frees her, it causes chaos within the Sectors, their equivalent of a state. Similar events unfold in The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The main character, Katniss starts revolts in the districts of Panem after defying the Capital. Both Juliette and Katniss show that being a women has nothing to do with being able to lead. Even though the stories are different, both Juliette and Katniss have to prove to…show more content…
They both came from underprivileged places. Juliette came from an unloving family, who were scared at the very sight of her. They willingly gave her up to be put in an insane asylum just because of her weird ability, the power to kill with one touch. She was locked in the asylum by herself with minimum food and water. She was then taken to Sector 45 where she also didn’t fit it in. Katniss from The Hunger Games was in a similar situation. She came from District 12, one of the poorer districts in Panem. She then was picked to be in the annual Hunger Games where children fight to the death. While on the way to the Hunger Games, Katniss is an outcast compared to the festive people of the Capital. Katniss and Juliette both are seen as nothing more than silly little girls because of their background. During the course of the stories, they have to overcome this, which they

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