How Is Jfk Assassination Justified

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John F. Kennedy's assassination Do you ever wonder if John F. Kennedy's last breath was justified? Everyone knows about 35th president and everything that he wanted to do to make a better future in the U.S. He was a wonderful president but was also a husband and a father of two small children. He died on November 22,1963 while he was on a tour in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald, an armed force officer, assassinated John F. Kennedy. His assassination was not justified because he wanted to help segregation just like Martin Luther King Jr., just like most people he wanted world peace, he wanted to be re- elected to make the United States a better place to live. One of John F. Kennedy's desires was to help segregation. In fact, that was one of the reasons why he got elected as the 35th president. He had promised that he would secure equal rights for blacks ( "American Experience" ). John F. Kennedy was not trying to harm anyone, he just wanted people to be treated equal and live a better life. President Kennedy should not have been killed for trying to help people because that is the job of the president, to take care for the citizens. For example, if a police is arresting a man for following the rules, it does not make any sense because the man is doing…show more content…
Kennedy wanted world peace. That was a big issue to many people. President Kennedy wanted to stop the Vietnam War that was going on at the time (November 22, 1963). Many citizens were against the president. However, the president could have been making a good choice because if he had tried to make world peace he would have saved many lives. The United States would have had peace with everyone all over the world. Although it could have been risky, the president was willing to take the risk for us. Which would have made him a better person to look up to. This issue could be one of the reasons why Oswald killed the president, but it was not a very smart move because Kennedy would have made a

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