How Is Jfk Assassination Justified

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It was November 22, 1963. The president was dead. There was only one known witness; Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was fatally shot two days after the assassination of President JFK by Dallas strip club owner, Jack Ruby. His assassination was not justified, as he was never proven guilty and the FBI lied in their investigation; however, some may think he was a dangerous person because he shot and killed a police officer. Lee Harvey Oswald was never given a fair trial, nor was he proven guilty. During his trial, after he was dead, the jury was made up of people from the news and other media. This was not fair as they all had biased opinions. "The jury, formed of the print and broadcast media, accepted a very low standard of proof and delivered an…show more content…
These falsehoods were the reason Jack Ruby fired at Oswald. The commission was not trustworthy after they disregarded and blatantly changed some of the witness' accounts. The FBI probably lied in their reports, as well. The FBI had false claims, missing evidence, and altered witness' accounts in their reports on JFK's assassination. After receiving an intercepted letter from Oswald during his trip to Mexico, the FBI didn't say anything to the Warren Commission when investigating Kennedy's death. The FBI had lied about ever receiving a letter, and the Warren Commission never got that critical information. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has also added and removed bits and pieces of witness' stories. The accounts were so badly butchered, that the commission didn't use any of the evidence. Some evidence that was not altered and actually used in the case against Oswald, was that he had shot and killed officer J.D. Tippit at about 1:14 p.m. the day of JFK's assassination. This, however, will point him in the direction of guilt. "Oswald might have been spooked by that gesture and pulled his revolver thinking J.D. was going to draw

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