How Does Tony Blankley Use Mass Media Censorship?

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Mass Media Censorship From the roaring twenties to the twenty-first century mass media such as television and radios influenced the lives of Americans daily. While television shows, radio stations bring ways to entertain, they also educate people. Mass media has also played a role in spreading different cultures around the world. Some of the shows on television and radios have offensive language, violence, and unacceptable behavior. Some people agree with censorship because they believe exposing children and adults to inappropriate behavior leaves a negative impact on their lives, and regulating media prevents the country from potential harm. Other people disagree with the restrictions because they believe that the government…show more content…
In “BLANKLEY: Yes, We Need Censorship”, Tony Blankley agrees that the government should censor mass media, and uses different tones, rhetorical appeals such as ethos, pathos, and logos, and arranges the argument in a way to present his message and appeal to the audience. Blankley uses different tones to allure the audience. Tone plays an important role on setting the mood for the audience. The various tones Blankley uses make the argument interesting to read. Although Blankley keeps a formal tone throughout the article, he also periodically uses a solemn tone. For example, the argument appears solemn when Blankley talks about terrorism and the destruction it brings. Although Blankley only use two different tones, it contributes to the way he keeps the audience engaged. If he only used the formal tone people’s Ethos helps Tony Blankley deliver his message. The ethical appeal, also known as ethos, establishes credibility. Blankley uses ethos because people tend to believe people who they respect. He also wants the reader to believe that he has vast knowledge on the subject, so the audience will believe him. Blankley notes that he works as the vice president of the…show more content…
Blankley intends to persuade the audience to fight for media censorship. By doing so he made sure to incorporate interesting ways to draw the reader’s attention. For, example he starts the article off by using two anecdotes. The anecdotes relate to war, and explain how censorship protects the country from the enemy. The anecdotes also help Blankley emphasize the importance of Censorship. After using the attention-grabbing anecdotes, Blankley starts his argument. Blankley wanted his argument to stick inside the audiences head, which contributes to the reason why he argued towards the end, rather than ending with anecdotes. Lastly, Blankley wrote his credentials at the end so the audience can perceive Blankley as trustworthy, and Tony Blankly fights for media censorship in his article “BLANKLEY: Yes, We Need Censorship”, by using various tones, rhetorical appeals such as ethos, pathos, and logos, and by organizing the article in a convincing way. Blankley does not want his argument to seem bland, so he used different tones. He tries to keep the audience’s attention, because people tend to

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