How Does Homer Use Figurative Language In The Iliad

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Thousands of novels have been published in the past decade, and each one has a unique element to its plot line, characterization, or writing style. Some are stories of epic romance, and others are chronicles of tragic death. But what propels a book to withstand the test of time and maintain a greater sense of understanding to all types of readers? In my opinion, a book should have a foundation of mechanics that is both unique and thought-provoking, and must force the reader to question their perspective on a major aspect of life. The novel Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, and the epic poem, the Iliad, by Homer, can both be considered great books because of their complex narrative style and use of figurative language, as well as their ability to catalyze the reader to contemplate about greater themes of life such as societal pressures. Woolf’s use of stream of consciousness and figurative language elevate the stories beyond the mundane and change the dynamic of the reading experience. The deviation from a traditional narrative to a stream of consciousness allows the reader to gain insight into the inner workings of the characters’…show more content…
Homer uses the motif of armor similar to how Woolf uses waves to portray the idea that the warriors in the story are more than one dimensional and have lives beyond the war. In one of the most sympathetic scenes of the Iliad, a great Trojan warrior, Hector, strips of his helmet as it was scaring his child, “QUOTE”. Through this scene, the reader grasps the concept the there is a more to each hero than just the battle they are fighting. This motif of armor that is brought up several times in the book is an example of how Homer uses figurative language to elevate the experience of the reader by giving them a greater perspective on the backgrounds and situations of individuals

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