How Does Amir Use Forgiveness In The Kite Runner

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Remorse Leads to Redemption: The Kite Runner “Contrary to what we may have been taught to think, unnecessary and unchosen suffering wounds us but need not scar us for life. It does mark us. What we allow the mark of our suffering to become is in our own hands.” ― Bell Hooks, All About Love: New Visions. As time passes by, one may remorse of their dishonest behaviour. Hence, they are filled with compunction. Amir searches for Sohrab in Kabul, attempting to rescue him from the Taliban with an intention to repay his debt for his cruel actions towards Hassan. Baba treats Hassan as another son, pursuing in gaining public forgiveness from his sins of adultery. Rahim Khan acknowledges Amir that “there is a way to be good again”. In The Kite Runner, protagonists search for forgiveness to…show more content…
Or I could run. In the end, I ran.” (Hosseini 77). Amir being a coward, decides to run away from his problems. He has the same problem when dealing with his guilt, by avoiding it. By doing this, Amir does nothing to help redeem himself for most of the novel. For years he feels guilty of how he has treated Hassan in the past and feels that when something, he most likely deserves it. Suffering from distress, he realizes that in order to feel redeemed, he must pay his debt. When Amir hears the news of the death of Farzana and Hassan, he is heartbroken. Rahim Khan tells Amir that in order to forgive himself, he must save Sohrab from the Taliban’s and bring him to a safer place. Even though Amir goes to rescue Sohrab instead of Hassan when it was too late, it restores their friendship significantly. Amir undertaking to go after Sohrab is dangerous in many ways, and his ultimate punishment he was soon to find

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