How Did The Great Exhibition Impact Society

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The first ever World’s Fair and Exposition was held in London on May 1851 at the renowned Crystal Palace and ended five months later. Better known as the Great Exhibition of Works of Industry of All Nations, the exhibition was created to showcase products, such as technological inventions and the fine arts, from all over the world, as well as create unity between other nations and educate the public. Due to its spectacular showcases, it had attracted a copious amount of people from all levels of society. The fair left quite an impression on others as it had influenced many other countries all around the world to create their own exhibitions as well. The Great Exhibition had proved to have left a legacy because of its influence on society, unity and rivalry with other nations, and the use of technology.…show more content…
The idea of having an international exposition came from Prince Albert and Queen Elizabeth. When the Great Exhibition ended on October 15, it was recorded that more than six million people had visited the place. Due to the large interest in the exhibit, the fair had “£213,300 left over after costs” (Avenell). The Crystal Palace, created by Sir Joseph Paxton, had left quite an impressive landmark back then with its intricate construction. After the Crystal Palace was rebuilt at Sydenham Hill, it was destroyed by a fire and demolished in 1941 (Encyclopædia Britannica). With the amazing architecture of the Crystal Palace, it inspired other architects to create museums. For example, the South Kensington Museum, now known as the Victoria and Albert Museum received a lot of the items showcased from the fair. The Victoria and Albert museum is now known for being the world’s leading museum of art and design. With the use of museums, they were able to retain the history from around a hundred years

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