How Did The Bus Boycott Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus when all the seats were taken for the whites. The Bus Boycott became the start of a revolutionary era of nonviolent protests in support of civil rights in the United States. It was the beginning because they knew that it would be many more protests because they did not agree with what had occurred. Rosa Parks was a 42 yr old seamstress. When she got got on the bus she sat behind the 10 seats reserved for white people. When the bus got full the bus driver wanted all four of the black people sitting behind the seat for whites to move so that the white man can seat there. Parks was a active member of the NAACP so she quietly refused to give up her seat (Ford 1).…show more content…
A group named the Montgomery Improvement Association, composed of local activists and ministers, organized the boycott( 1). By midnight, thousands of flyers were being copied to be sent home with black school children, informing their parents of the planned boycott. When people found out about Park’s arrest, they took peaceful actions( ). That Monday night, many leaders of the African American community got together to talk about the correct actions to be taken after Parks arrest. On sunday, December 4, 1955, plans for the boycott were told to people at black churches in the area, and a front page article in the Montgomery Advertiser helped spread the word( ). Blacks were not considered equal in whites eyes. Many white southerners had never been able to regard blacks as their equals or even as citizens of the united states. Whites did not think that blacks deserved the same rights as them. The first 10 seats of every city bus were reserved for white people only. Blacks could not use the same water fountains or anything as

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