Aztec Food

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Education aside, another main point of the Aztec civilization was their rich palate. The Aztec foods and delicacies are still very common in Mexico today, as well as all over the world. A huge staple grain in the Aztec society was maize, or corn. The corn was used to grind up and make flour for bread, tortillas, tamales, and even drinks! Two other very prominent foods for the Aztecs were squash and beans. A mixture of these foods were a massive part of Aztec cuisine, which is very similar to traditional Mexican food today. Additionally to these three main staples the Aztecs also ate chilies, tomatoes, limes, cashews, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, and surprisingly, chocolate. The Aztecs ever domesticated bees for honey and turkeys for meat…show more content…
Sometimes, mosaics were created by placing bits of stones into wood or a claylike substance. Some of the most common used materials were copper, gold and silver, shells, clay, wood, rock like obsidian, and even feathers. Various precious stones were used, such as jade, quartz, amethyst, opal, moonstone, and turquoise. Although gold was commonly in the making of jewelry it is very hard to find gold jewelry from this time period because when the Spanish conquistadors came to the area much of the gold used to make the jewelry was melted down to make…show more content…
The slaves only could wear a loincloth. A tilmatli or tilma was often worn by the men which is a cloak made from triangular cloth. The women would often wear skirts, and a sleeveless or short sleeved shirt. The commoners clothing would be very simple and not adorned with much, if anything, it was of their higher status among the commoners. The upper class in the Aztec society wore clothing very similar to commoners but it was adorned with much more ornaments and jewelry. They also wore headdresses that had symbols of their particular affiliation whether they were military or religious. The more prestigious the clothing or the higher up the person, the more brightly colored the clothing. Gold was a very popular material used in the making of clothing. Aztec masks were also worn and used for rituals as well as representing various Aztec
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