How Did Nelson Mandela Contribute To Civil Rights

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Nelson Mandela was on civil rights activist against discrimination. The methods Mandela used were very appropriate and fair towards everyone. Mandela was very successful while fighting through his journey. If Mandela was here in my community today, with the same issue I would support him. He powerfully inspired people throughout South Africa and worldwide to take stand using nonviolence. In July 18, 1918 Mvezo, Transkei, South Africa, Nelson Mandela was born to Nosekeni Fanny and Gadld Henery Mphakanyiswa. Mandela had 3 biological sisters, but by his father he had 9 others. When Mandela was 9 years old his father passed away and he became a ward of the state. He attended a primary school in Qunu. His teacher Miss Mdingane gave…show more content…
They wanted to show the people of South Africa that everyone had equal rights, and there was no reason to be treated unequal. Mandela led many non-violent protest towards the South African government. During 1955 Mandela and other members of the ANC were arrested and had a trial of treason. A protest that was led on March 21, 1960 ended by many unarmed people in the ANC being killed. By there being so many death they had a state emergency and ANC got banned. Mandela and others were once again on trial for treason. While in trail Mandela married Winne Madikizela, together they had 2 daughters, but later separated in 1996. In 1961, a strike was led by Mandela and got arrested and sentenced 5 years in prison. Three years later a trail was brought to Mandela again along with some members of the ANC, they were sentenced for undermining the government. Mandel was imprisoned for 27 years but spent 18 of them at Robben Island. For him being who he was and being the race he was, he given less privileges then the other inmates. Mandela was given back breaking work every day and fed little meals. His prison cells had a blanket, and a bucket. While in prison Mandela had 2 family members pass and he was not able to attend their funerals. On the 31st of March in 1982, Mandela was sent to Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. In 1989, Klerk was elected president and helped get some of ANC’s member released from…show more content…
Mandela and President t de Klerk were awarded with a Noble Peace Prize, for finally putting an end to discrimination in South Africa in 1993. May 10th, 1994 Mandela became the first ever black president of South Africa. A year later he published his book “Long Walk to Freedom” that was secretly being wrote while he was imprisoned, and the next year was awarded the Order of Merit. While Mandela was president he worked hard to make sure the government stayed strong. The South African government created more jobs, homes, and health care for citizens. Mandela married Graca Machel in 1998 the next year, Mandela retired from politics, and he served 1 term but still maintained to help people of South Africa. Mandela had a foundation where he raised money and tried to end problems around South Africa. Mandela was involved in AIDS awareness which spread around South Africa and took the life of his son. Mandela had to be treated for prostate cancer in 2001, and have other health issues. He made a public appearance at the World Cup in South Africa which was his last. In January of 2011 Mandela had a lung infection and was put in a hospital many times. Over years he had much testing done and many prays towards him. Three years later on December 5th, Nelson Mandela passed away from a lung infection and left a legacy behind that will always live on. In memory now South Africa has Mandela Day to show that we have peace and amity, and show

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