Andrew Carnegie's The Gospel Of Wealth

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In the history of the United States, the Gilded Age was a time of rapid economic growth that generated vasts amounts of wealth for those in charge. New technologies and products improved the quality of life for the middle class. Lasting from the late 1860’s to the early 1890’s, the Gilded Age was also a time of extreme political corruption, where politicians were in favor of whatever bill was supported by the highest bidder. This unique era bred some of the most successful businessmen the United States have ever seen to this day. Among those men was Andrew Carnegie, an Industrialist who became a household name after starting the Carnegie Steel Company. Carnegie fostered huge success in his business, causing him to become one of the wealthiest men of his time.…show more content…
In 1889, Andrew Carnegie published The Gospel of Wealth, an essay “justifying laissez-faire capitalism and asserting the philanthropic responsibilities of industrialists who profit from the unfettered market economy.” It is in this essay that an influenced Carnegie outlines his belief that it is in the best interest of the entire race if the wealthiest citizens administer their wealth, during their lifetimes, for the benefit of the public. My central observation about The Gospel of Wealth is that Andrew Carnegie was influenced by the past in order to become an influencer of the future. Carnegie was heavily influenced by the industrialism and urbanization that distinguished the gilded age from previous eras. He was also influenced by the corrupt political state of the gilded age. Finally, Carnegie became an influencer of the future by normalizing the philanthropic act of the wealthy administering their wealth to the public during their

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