Hospitality In The Odyssey

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Eumeaus and The Phaeacians “Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place. It is not to bring men and women over to our side, but to offer freedom not disturbed by dividing lines.” -Henry J.M Nouwen, Reaching out. This quote defines hospitality, but including it also captures the importance of loyalty as well. In order to be loyal, one must stay with and support a person no matter what happens. This epic poem contains information about Odysseus’, the King of Ithacas’, journey back home from the Trojan War, a war that lasted about ten years. On his way back to Ithaca he confronts…show more content…
When Odysseus arrives back in Ithaca disguised as an old man, Eumaeus welcomes him and offers him “Bread and wine, tell me [Odysseus] where you come from, and all about your misfortunes.” (Homer146). Despite Odysseus being a stranger to Eumaeus, he offers him fine meats and cheeses. As well as this, Eumaeus wants to know all about his journey and “misfortunes”, and welcomes Odysseus into his hut. Eumaeus also portrays loyalty throughout the epic poem. For instance, after Eumaeus offers Odysseus gourmet meats, cheeses, and wine and declares to know all about his misfortunes, he leads Odysseus to his hut. Odysseus thanks Eumaeus for being so hospitable. Eumaeus responds stating that servants must be thankful for what they get, for Odysseus has provided him with shelter, land, and a beautiful wife. Eumaeus even says he “took such care of me that wherever he may be I shall always honor his memory.” (Homer147). Although Odysseus has been gone for more than ten years Eumaeus is still waiting for him to come home, for he is still doing what he did for Odysseus before he left for the Trojan war, which was swine pigs for people to eat. Eumaeus will continue to do it till the day he sees his master, Odysseus. Although Odysseus has been gone for more than a decade, Eumaeus remains loyal to his master and waits patiently for him to arrive back in…show more content…
When Odysseus washes up onto the shore of the land of the Phaeacians, Princess Nausicaa, the daughter of the King of the Phaeacians happens to be down at the river. Odysseus approaches the beautiful princess and asks for clothes to wrap up in, after his twenty days barely surviving in the sea. Princess Nausicaa leads the way and tells the maids to get the “fellow something to eat and drink, and wash him in the stream at some place that is sheltered from the wind.” (Homer67). Although Odysseus just arrived upon the shores of the land of the Phaeacians they took care of him as if he were one of them, giving Odysseus a shirt and a cloak, and washing him up after his severe hardships at sea. Furthermore while the Phaeacians welcomed Odysseus into their home, they learned all about him and what happened before he arrived upon their shores. Despite the Phaeacians warm hospitality, as time went by Odysseus was ready to reach his land of Ithaca. The Phaeacians were graciously willing and happy to see him arrive safely back to his homeland of Ithaca. Even though King Alcinous praised the idea of marrying his daughter, Princess Nausicaa, and offered “if [he] stayed, [King Alcinous] would give [him] a house and an estate, but no one (heaven forbid) shall keep [him] here against [his] wish.” (Homer 76). He then offered for his men to sail Odysseus back to wherever
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