Human Connection In Romeo And Juliet's Warm Bodies

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In this odd twist of a Romeo and Juliet romantic comedy, Warm Bodies shows the power of human connection. After a zombie epidemic hits, R (Nicholas Hoult) an abnormal zombie meets Julie (Teresa Palmer), a survivor of the epidemic. Rescuing her from a zombie attack, R brings her back to his “home” which comprises of an abandoned plane, a record player and trinkets. Being stuck in a plane with R, Julie soon learns his name. Only being able to remember the first letter of his name, Julie refers to his as “R”. As the two spend more time together Julie notices differences between R and the other zombie. These two soon form a special bond in their fight for survival. The more time they spend together R slowly becomes more human, regaining a heartbeat and being able to speak again. Warm Bodies was heartfelt and pleasantly gory love story. The opening scene was original and intriguing for a zombie movie. It opens with R wandering through the airport analyzing his thoughts. Listening to his cogitations gives a glimpse into his abnormal tendencies and the trouble he has remembering things in his past life. As he walks past other zombies, he imagines what they were like before they died, such as an older man being a janitor. Hearing his thoughts gives a perspective on what he thinks as a zombie. The sarcastic tone that flows through R…show more content…
Not being well known, the two were practically perfect for this movie. The unlikely chemistry was easily believable and allowed their relationship to grow effortless on screen. The clever flourish that really caught my attention was the intentional similarities to the famously known play Romeo and Juliet. First with the idea of two feuding families, or in this case the living and the undead, and the noticeable similarities of the names Romeo (“R”) and Juliet (Julie). The movie was recreation of the Shakespeare play Romeo and

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