Macbeth Tomorrow May Come Meaning

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Tomorrow May Come “An Analysis of the Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow Soliloquy” Do you know what you will or want to say before you leave? In Macbeth, Macbeth sees his life coming to an end delivers his famous speech of tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow at the beginning of act five scene five. In this Macbeth looks back on what he is learned in his life, what he has learned to late. In his last words he accepts and burdens what he now knows about life. This is; he lost what he what he wanted, there is no purpose to life, and putting off the desirable. Firstly, Macbeth knows he got what he wanted, but had also lost what was his. Macbeth gives the speech after hearing of his wife's death from Seyton “The queen, my lord, is dead.” (5.5 17). One of the greatest thing Macbeth lost was love. What Macbeth wanted was to be king, make his family happy, and to give his loved ones a live they deserved. Macbeth got what you wanted and that was kingship. It made his wife happy due to the fact that Duncan was now dead and he was king. He had lost so much, but his love was right beside the throne for the main two things lost. Macbeth gains so much respect from all of his colleagues right after he had slain his cousin, but throughout the play he loses it slowly.…show more content…
"Life’s but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing,” (5.5. 24-7) Stating the famous Macbeth has nothing morally, or has a purpose. He has gained significant amount of respect, love, glory, and trust. After losing everything he realizes he’s going to die soon, and he feels there’s no purpose anymore. At the end of his speech, the last time we hear Macbeth speak alone, he doesn't care at all what happens from this point on or what has

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