Hospital Interviewer Case Study

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Interviewer: How important is it you that hospital focus and put their resources towards that kind of thing. Interviewee: It’s good to have exercise and more people to educate about food, exercise, nutrition, people talk to people and take it seriously, not just to talk. Interviewer: And, if you think about the resources, that a hospital has to function to run and do all of the things that hospitals do, how important is it that hospitals use those resources that they have, to treat patients, or do anything else that they do? To do things like, give nutrition education to community members or focus on changing policies? Interviewee: Nutrition, exercise, it’s good to start with before you start giving medicine. Interviewer: And do think…show more content…
Interviewer: You learned a lot, can you tell me some examples of what you learned? Interviewee: How important about the hospital and how they think about the community, people care to do better, that I learned. People around here care about us. Interviewer: Okay, was there anything else? Interviewee: I wish I could say more, but it was a good experience to me. Interviewer: What was the most surprising thing you learned at Prioritize Health? Is there something that was surprising to you? Interviewee: When I go, I didn’t know what we were going to talk about. When I was there, I read the papers and the stuff, I feel like somebody cares about the community, the kids, the old and everybody. They don’t put one question and focus on one. It’s good, I like it. Interviewer: Okay, was there anything that you learned that you told other people in your family or friends? Interviewee: To care about each other and check in on each other. Interviewer: And that is something you learned at Prioritize Health. Interviewee: And tell them if you are sick to go to the hospital and not to stay until the end of your life. Interviewer: Is that something that you learned at Prioritize Health? Interviewee:

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