Horticulture Case Study Solution

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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Horticulture parameters: 1. Vegetative growth: 1.1. Cabbage plants: Data in Table 2 showed that, essential oils and microorganisms treatments had a significant effect on all vegetative growth parameters of cabbage plants in both seasons. The data cleared that treatment of Bacillus subtellus gave the lowest values of number of inedible leaves/head followed by Eucalyptus oil compared to control and other treatments in both seasons. On contrary that, treatments of Control, Clove oil and Spearmint oil gave the highest values of number of inedible leaves/head without significant differences among them in both seasons. Trichoderma harsianum and Rizolex (fungicide) treatments gave intermediate values, approximately the same values without significant differences between them in both seasons. Moreover, the highest values of edible leaves weight/ head and leaves dry weight % were recorded from plants treated with Trichoderma harsianum followed by Eucalyptus oil compared to other treatments in both seasons. Untreated plants had the lowest values of edible leaves weight/ head and leaves dry weight % in both seasons. These results agree with those of Niakan and Saberi(2009) who stated that eucalyptus increased root and shoot length. Also, Hassannejad and Ghafarbi (2013) revealed that eucalyptus caused increases in…show more content…
Cauliflower plants: Data presented in Table 3 revealed that, Eucalyptus oil treatment gave the best results concerning number of leaves/plant, leaves weight/plant and leaf area of cauliflower plant followed by Trichoderma harsianum treatment, while the lowest vegetative growth of cauliflower plants recorded on plant dipped on distilled water only with significant differences among them in both seasons. These results agree with El-Darier, 2002 and Niakan and Saberi (2009) for eucalyptus. Also, Rabeendran et al., 2000 and Rehman et al., 2012 for trichoderma

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