Hong Kong Police Accountability Case Study

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Since the umbrella movement in Hong Kong, there are more people concerned about the police accountability in Hong Kong, according to the hand book on police accountability (2011) police accountability had dived into external and internal. Internal accountability mean the police can be internal investigate and be internal discipline within the police force, external accountability mean an external and independent body and the public can oversight the complaints process. police accountability is use to ensure when police exercise their power and enforce the law they must also be subject to the law and take responsibility of their action, this article will first introduce the two police complaints systems Complaints Against Police Office and the…show more content…
According to Cao (1999) police brutality refer to police misconduct of unnecessary or excessive use of force and abuse of police power that threatened citizens freedom or harasses them .For officers have the great power in law enforcement ,but in Hong Kong police are less accountable even CAPO receive complaints about police excessive use of force ,the complaints may be not fully investigate or may regard as invalid complaints since CAPO lacked independence police and the police officers of CAPO may tend to shielded they co-worker ,despite IPCC is independent body ,yet have not actual power to investigate complaints as well as discipline officers and only allowed to give suggestion to CAPO, in this situation citizens had nothings to do to limited how officers exercise their power during law enforcement…show more content…
Also, include noble cause of corruption, noble cause corruption mean a police officers do not justify the means while during law enforcement to getting their jobs done ,the specific actions have been noted by Kleinig (2002) such as false testimony, planting evidence, excessive force. Even through some the corruption may bring some benefits to the society by reducing the crime. However, police corruption is certainly not acceptable because it will violate the human rights of citizens. In Hong Kong police have a broad power to stop and arrest citizens when they think a person is suspicious, if they abuse their power it may violate the human rights. a fining from Greenspan (2000) found out that 67.4% of police report that officers who report their fellow officers of misconduct are more likely to be boycott and agree is common that police officers to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers, if police within the force are not willing to point out the misconduct of other police it will encourage corruption within police

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