Honduras is a country in Central America bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. The climate is subtropical in lowlands, temperate in mountains. Natural resources from Honduras is timber, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, iron ore, antimony, coal, fish, and hydropower. Environment issues in Honduras is the urban population expanding: causing deforestation. Deforestation is also by logging and clearing land for agricultural uses. Mining activities pollute the Lago
this chapter to bring the reader up to date with current literature on the topic and forms the basis for another goal which is to determine where future research may be needed in the area. It should be established that literature on this specific subject of crime in upper and lower class residential areas in Accra is sparse since this area of research has been tackled by few researchers. (Owusu, Oteng-Ababio, et.al 2016) Literature Review Many criminologists
most certainly believe that civilization did exist in Pre-Columbian Period according to the movie Apocalypto and other references but, what civilizations did exist and how can we know they had the characteristics to be considered civilized? This research paper will seek to establish the notion that civilization did exist and draw a connected with