Himmler Darré: The Reich Interior Ministry

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Darré was also recognized as a leader in racial theory outside the confines of the SS. On June 2, 1933, Wilhelm Frick, the Reich Interior Minister, established an organization to evaluate the need for a specific racial policy to cover all of German society. This organization was known as the Expert Committee on Questions of Population and Racial Policy. Darré was one of the founding members of this small, select committee, all of which were considered leaders in their fields of specialty. Other committee members included Alfred Ploetz, a leading expert in racial science and hygiene, and Hans F. K. Gunther considered the foremost authority on racial anthropology. The significance of Darré's appointment is heightened by the fact that Himmler…show more content…
He engrained his vision of a rural community, living in harmony with the land, in Himmler. He showed Himmler how theory could be applied to an organizational structure. Himmler embraced this ideal to feed his own power driven ambitions. The SS was to be the breeding ground for his Aryan utopia. This was to be the beginning, or test organization, for the proliferation of racial policy throughout German society. Darré's reward for his vision was his appointment as head of RuSHA--the central racial policy making department within the SS. Taking into consideration Darré's important role in establishing SS ideology, his influence on Himmler and his critical contributions to the importance placed on racial matters within the SS, Darré's influence and importance has often been understated. Darré was somewhat of an ideological mentor to Himmler and made a sustaining impression on the SS which lasted beyond his leadership role within the SS. Gerald Reitlinger's assessment that Darré "may well be regarded as Himmler's evil genius" would be a more accurate assessment of Darré's contribution to the Nazi movement.79 This position is also supported by James Weingartner. In his study on the Race and Resettlement Office, he concluded that Darré's influence on Himmler was "probably of central importance" in relation to SS racial matters.80 Himmler's acceptance and implementation of racial doctrine within the SS did not emerge from his established anti-Semitism. Darré was the primary architect of SS racial

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