Timothy Spaulding's Apt Analysis

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The distorted nature of the Invisible Man’s vision sparks the beginning of a smooth transition away from ideologically-restricted and ignorant man. Floating within the various hallucinatory states, a typical characteristic of Surrealism, the Invisible Man gains different dimensions and perspective. In turn, Surrealism allows the Invisible Man search for his true inner self. While it is right that Timothy Spaulding argues how “[u]nder the strain of the treatment the narrator descends into a dream state …the sounds of the outside world transform into the sounds within his disordered consciousness,” he understates the importance of the Narrator’s retreat back into his past (494). It is precisely the return to the purest form of himself as a child,…show more content…
Timothy Spaulding’s apt analysis of the riots in Harlem promotes Ellison’s argument that “[t]he internal disorder of the invisible man's identity has found its external expression in the events around him” which is a recurring structure throughout the novel (496). Similar to the Battle Royal, and the Hospital, Ellison elaborates on Surrealism to channel the focus on living away from the interruption of society. The confusion on the streets is derived from the cacophony of voices and the images of Ras the Destroyer, "dressed in the costume of an Abyssinian chieftain and riding a black horse," or of mannequins "white, naked and horribly feminine" hanging from a lamppost (Ellison 556). The figures in Harlem resembled "more out of a dream than out of Harlem” (Ellison 556). The Riot in Harlem has all the attributes of a full fledge pandemonium that reassembles an ambiguous and abstract experience. Hence, it is justifiable that Spaulding argues how “the narrative itself takes on a kaleidoscopic tone, a frenzied commentary on the absurdity at the heart of the riot” as Ellison uses Surrealism to elaborate on accessing the untapped subconscious mind to resolve contradictory ideas and feelings of his identity and individual social responsibility to the community (496). This parallels Ellison…show more content…
The “dreamlike prose” Thomas Heise argues “turns the burning world into a mirror for his narrator's internalized guilt” due to the enlightening effects of Surrealism. To the Invisible Man’s horror, he is only the reincarnation of a Sambo puppet for the Brotherhood. He becomes the definition of subjecting oneself to the perimeters of society - the very object that Ellison is critiquing through the theme of dreams. The Invisible Man begins to realize that a group of society that he detests has been controlling and influencing his entire life. As a result, his act of fleeing the scene interprets as his withdrawal from societal manipulations. By distancing himself, Ellison refutes the Invisible Man’s blindness to firmly highlight the importance of individualistic representation and perception of self. This is extremely reflective of Ellison overall argument of identity. Ellison extends Surrealism to internalize the Invisible Man’s thought in the absence of reason and logic, and outside moral considerations to transform the existence of chaos into a more palpable

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