Herman Children Essay

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The story of the Herman children tells of how a family of six children tries out for a play at church and learns the error of their ways. In the beginning of the movie, the children are very rambunctious and irresponsible. They were very mean to the other children and even rude to the adults. By the end of the movie, the children learn the meaning of Christmas and are caring. The two main children that changed in the movie were Imogene and Leroy. When the movie begins, it depicts the children blowing up a gardening shed with a chemistry set that they stole from the local hardware store. Some of the girls that were watching said that someone should call the police. Beth, the little girl who is telling the story, says that they wouldn’t lock the Herman children up, on the account that they would burn the jail down. The movie moves to where the children on at school and Charlie, the narrator’s brother, is in gym class with Leroy Herman. Leroy steals Charlie’s dessert out of his lunch box. So Charlie tells Leroy that he can take his desserts all he want, since he gets all the desserts he wants at church. So the following Sunday, the Herman…show more content…
She removes her earrings, and holds the baby doll as Mary does in the depiction. Beth walks in to let Imogene know that she is needed at the stage, when Beth sees what Imogene is doing. Beth is a little taken aback from the sight. Imogene takes her place on stage and plays her part as she was directed. When the wise men come into the church, Leroy, the first wise man, is not there. When the two wise men are half way up the aisle, Leroy comes running in and takes his place in the front of the line, holding a candied ham. Leroy felt that the little trinket that he was to give baby Jesus was not enough, so he rushed home and brought a ham that he had to give to the

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