Hepatitis B Research Paper

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Apurva Purat U60450724 ECH 6931 Term Paper 1 Date: 09/28/2015 HBeAg (Hepatitis B eAntigen) treatment for Hepatitis B Viral infections are quite common throughout the world. There are some deadly viruses that affect human being which can lead to death. Some of the viruses that we know that causes fatal diseases are Ebola virus (EBOV strain), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Influenza Virus (H1N1), Hepatitis A, B and C virus. Due to viral infections there have been epidemics in past, but by performing research we are trying to find new drugs that are easily available and more effective than the previous ones so the cost of treatment could reduce. We are going to study about the Hepatitis B virus, how it enters the human body and how it affects…show more content…
The treatment criteria for Chronic Hepatitis B, please check the image below. (http://depts.washington.edu/hepstudy/hepB/prevention/pep_oe/discussion.html) Now if the patient has viral load HBV DNA < 20000 IU/ml, then the patient can be monitored for 6 month, but if it is above or greater than 20000 then the patient should be considered for treatment. When do we stop treatment of the patient? When the viral load HBV DNA goes down and the ALT becomes normal. In HBeAg positive patients we treat them till the eAg seroconversion goes down, it depends completely on each individual as the response in each individual may differ from 6 – 12 months, after this there is another 6 – 12 months of therapy to make sure the virus becomes inactive in 90% of the patients. Once treated 85 – 90% of the times the patient becomes immune to the…show more content…
Hepatitis B - Treatment and Consequences | Steven-Huy Han, MD | UCLA Digestive Diseases, UCLA health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR9JHyg_B5M 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatitis_B_virus. web 09/28/2015 3. Hepatitis A, B, and C: Diagnosis and treatment in HIV-infected persons, Emory university. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yANIfjow8SE 4. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) reverse seroconversion (RS) can be prevented even in non-responders to hepatitis B vaccine after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: long-term analysis of intervention in RS with vaccine for patients with previous HBV infection, by M. Takahata, S. Hashino, M. Onozawa, A. Shigematsu, J. Sugita, K. Fujimoto, T. Endo, T. Kondo, J. Tanaka, M. Imamura, T. Teshima 5. Hepatitis B Virus Reverse Transcriptase – Target of Current Antiviral Therapy and Future Drug Development, by Daniel N Clark and Jianming HU. Figures 1. http://www.virology.wisc.edu/virusworld/viruslist.php?virus=hpb 2. http://www.doctortipster.com/998-viral-hepatitis-what-you-should-know-about-hav-hbv-hcv.html 3.

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